Elon Musk recently tweeted out something on X that pretty much sums up the emotional manipulation and corruption against the American taxpayer in a nutshell. He said that 80% of asylum seekers living in America have vacationed back in the country from which they are seeking asylum.
Are you kidding me? They are seeking asylum in America because their lives and their family’s lives are in danger in the countries they are fleeing. If they didn’t leave these countries, they and their family members could have been locked up, or worse, killed. Very dramatic. Very effective on people who have compassion and empathy for others.
The only problem is, it doesn’t appear that most of these asylum seekers really had to leave their countries for their safety. When they come to America, they are given opportunities they may not have in their native countries. Opportunities to get ahead. But these asylum seekers are offered more than just opportunities, the US Government gives them more than they provide their own citizens who are struggling.
Asylum seekers in America receive cash assistance, medical care, job training, they can also receive social security income, a green card, housing, childcare, legal assistance, the ability to travel abroad and they can petition to bring in extended family members. Are you kidding me? They can get all of this for simply telling a lie or grossly exaggerating the truth. Lie about your life being in danger and you can have all of this.
This is truly disgusting. While US taxpayers are paying for these liars to live in America on our dime, American Veterans are living on the streets. Families are struggling to stay off the street, and middle-class Americans are barely scraping by. I’m infuriated by this, and it seems to just be a tweet that went completely unnoticed by most.
The assumption I always had was that this is the case, but Musk has backed this with facts. Data that he now has access to through DOGE. These people should be sent home immediately. I don’t care how established they now are in America. If you have traveled on vacation back to the country you claimed was unsafe for you to be, you need to go. No exceptions. You are a liar and have stolen from Americans. You have taken food out of the hands of children from poor American families.
The 80% that vacation in their native countries is a minimum, meaning more could probably go back to the country they left but choose not to go. Maybe it’s because these countries have nothing to offer a vacationer, or maybe it’s because they have already brought all of their extended family members to America to steal from Americans.
I don’t doubt that there are some legitimate asylum seekers living in America, but it appears the real numbers are vastly lower than the asylum seekers actually living in America, abusing the government system. The fake asylum seekers need to go, as in yesterday. If they have vacationed back in the country they left, seeking asylum, this is more than the burden of proof that they aren’t really seeking asylum and they need to go. The Americans who have been discovered through DOGE stealing social security income need to pay back the money they’ve stolen as well. No more tolerance. I don’t care if you don’t have the money, your real social security income should be garnished.
I don’t know why this particular act of deception and corruption seems to have pushed my buttons, but it has. I suppose it’s because they are not only stealing from poor Americans, and taking benefits from Americans that need them, it’s because these fake asylum seekers are also pretending to be victims in the process. The only thing different from this and claiming a billionaire raped you in a dressing room is the dollar figure of the corruption.
I hope to soon see these families and extended families gathered up and put on a plane back to their homelands. I don’t care what country they come from. I don’t care if they come from Nicaragua, Somalia or Norway for that matter, if they have traveled back home since seeking asylum, they need go. It should be easy enough to see who has traveled back to their native countries. There really are no excuses. If they’ve voluntarily been back, their lives aren’t in danger.
We have tolerated the corruption for far too long.
I just listened to Joe Rogan interview Woody Harrelson on his podcast. It’s weird to me how Rogan could so easily ignore the elephant in the room. Woody Harrelson’s dad is rumored to have worked for the CIA as an assassin and is thought by some to be involved in the JFK Assassination, yet they didn’t discuss it, on a show known as a conspiracy show. They didn’t even discuss the rumor. They didn’t try to dispel the rumor. This interview happened at a time the JFK Files are in the news cycle, but nothing, no mention of it.
Instead, they talked about how evil Dr. Fauci is and all the evil things he has done. Detail after detail, Rogan is very on top of all the facts. Rogan is an encyclopedia of information on one subject, like Fauci, vaccines and Big Pharma, but seems to have major gaps on other subjects. I understand we all have gaps in our understanding of certain subjects, but Rogan seems to have Grand Canyon-like gaps.
The gaps in Harrelson’s understanding of different subjects are akin to Rogan’s. Harrelson understands and subscribes to the Terrain Theory and believes the changes to the medical system brought forth by the Rockefellers are a scam and lead to worse health. He believes wars and epidemics are driven by profit and everything coming from the media is a lie. He has a complete understanding on some subjects like this but is totally clueless about others.
It is impossible to know how much of this ignorance on one subject and wealth of knowledge on another is real. It appears they are attacking the system in regard to one subject, then protecting it on another. Are there certain industries and people the Deep State has determined will take one for the team. Have they been given up as a sacrifice to the others, to appease the masses. It feels like the health care system is an industry that has been chosen to take one for the team. Maybe it’s because the majority of Americans no longer trust it.
On the podcast, Rogan talked about how psychedelics have been repressed by the US Government because they are so beneficial. They are beneficial to the brains of PTSD victims and in general they are beneficial to all people in better understanding the world around them. I’m actually not arguing his statements on this, I have no idea if they are beneficial. I know that they have fried people’s brains, but I’m not arguing that they can’t be used to better some people’s situation. My problem is with what he said about the government repressing the use of them.
Rogan claimed when hippies started experimenting with psychedelics in the 1960’s, the government squashed it, as they did the Civil Rights Movement. Seriously, is he really this naive or is he intentionally trying to lead the general public astray? I honestly don’t know. No one can know for sure if someone is simply ignorant about something or is intentionally misleading you.
The fact is that the CIA provided LSD for the hippies, as in, all the LSD came from the CIA. The CIA literally bought up the world’s supply of LSD decades earlier when they started their MK Ultra experiments on people. The hippy movement was a giant CIA mind control experiment. They took the MK Ultra laboratory experiments to the streets, to discover how psychedelics could be used to manipulate and control the minds of the masses.
Not only was the hippy movement and the whole decade of the 1960’s a CIA psyop, but they used the counterculture movement to protect their Vietnam War. The dirty, smelly, drug-addicted hippies opposed the war, while middle class Americans sitting at home watching on TV believed if the hippies opposed the war, then the war must be good. The counterculture movement was created to do the opposite of what they appeared to be doing. The counterculture wasn’t created to stop the war, but to justify it. Kind of like how DEI was really created to make people more racist, sexist and homophobic. Both were designed to create division.
How can Rogan be so off on this? How can he have an understanding that is 180-degrees from the truth on this matter? He believes wars are created to push drugs, but somehow the same government is suppressing the use of them. Why does he seem to have such gaps in his understanding of some topics, even within the same subject? Maybe he is just well educated on some matters and completely ignorant on others.
It just seems that he is attacking the subject matters and people who have already been predetermined to be thrown to the wolves, thrown under the bus, but seems to be protecting the subject matters and people who have not, at least at this time.
It would be one thing if he just spewed out nonsense about the government (CIA) suppressing the psychedelic hippy movement in the 1960s, but how is it possible that he could also completely forget to ask Harrelson about the rumors of his dad working for the CIA and his rumored involvement in the JFK Assassination?
Some say Rogan risked so much by standing up to the vaccines, Big Pharma and the media a few years back. Did he? His podcast is bigger than ever. I’m not saying Rogan’s podcast hasn’t been used to wake some people up, and it was probably valuable in getting Trump re-elected. But I just can’t shake the feeling that he is working both sides.
Did he support Trump because it was inevitable that he was going to win. Did Trump and Rogan work together, or did Trump use Rogan knowing he isn’t actually loyal? I don’t know. Everything is such a psyop, it is impossible to know for sure. But my pendulum of trust for Rogan has swung back from somewhat trusting him during the election, to watching him from the corner of my eye again. It’s been like this for me the past 6-7 years.
Oh, I almost forgot, both Rogan and Harrelson said Jimmy Carter is the greatest president of their lifetimes. This while Trump is systematically dismantling the Deep State.
How is one to even take these two seriously?
Would you consider splitting this post in two? One for each topic. I think the portion dedicated to the grotesque abuse by illegal immigration is of far more importance than the other topic, and is so powerfully written, that I think it should stand on its own. I only say that, because I was going to repost it on X and other places, until I got to that second part. Just a suggestion.
Either way, you make a compelling case and speak for millions of frustrated Americans. Cloward and Piven must be very proud of Resident O'Biden's illicit term in office and the destruction it caused.
Great stuff, Erik - thank you!
"I understand we all have gaps in our understanding of certain subjects, but Rogan seems to have Grand Canyon-like gaps."
This is my frustration with Rogan in a nutshell.
A fantastic article and one that hits home. Yes, how is it these "asylum seekers" are able to vacation at home? How many North Koreans and Cubans vacation in their respective countries of birth?
BTW Carter used to be the worst President until Obama took office.