Anyone who has read a significant portion, or even a small portion of what I have written over the past few years, understands that I have predicted much of the happenings of today, months, if not years ago. Over this time, my hope and confidence has never faltered. While some people, even Trump supporters, have swung back and forth between white pilling and black pilling, my message has never changed; our future will be better than we have ever known or can even imagine. Literally, because of our lifetime of conditioning by the media, and our emotional scar tissue, we are incapable of imagining how amazing our future can and will be.
A couple of years ago I said Jerome Powell was working with Trump to remove the City of London’s control of the US financial System. Early on I said the Cabal works out of the City of London and they are the true puppet masters. They control other leaders, groups and nations, while using some as their scapegoats. They control the world by creating chaos. I explained how Elon Musk was working with Trump behind the scenes well before he ever showed any signs of allegiance to Trump.
As far as I can tell, in July of 2024, I was the first person to publish the prediction that Trump’s plan is to eventually eliminate income tax, to bring down the financial system, and that is why the attempt was made on his life in July. I foretold Europe was in the process of cocooning itself through mass censorship, JD Vance and Trump go back a dozen years, and Trump has been running a sting operation that goes back decades.
Back in August, when many within our community spread panic saying the stock market was crashing, I said it would recover in a week, it did. I predicted that Trump would eliminate the US Department of Education. I’ve pointed out the connections between Trump and Reagan, and then he put up a portrait of him in the Oval Office. I surmised that Trump took control of crypto currency in late 2022, and Big Tech in early 2023. I’ve made a lot of bold predictions, I’ve taken a lot of criticism, yet I honestly can’t think of one thing I’ve said that hasn’t turned out to be proven true or isn’t still in the process of being fulfilled.
With all this being said, as confident as I have been, as accurately as I’ve predicted future events, even I am astonished at the breakneck speed, efficiency and effectiveness in Trump’s dismantling of the Deep State in just a few weeks in office, all with a fraction of his Cabinet confirmed.
Even I couldn’t predict how quickly the Deep State could and would implode. It’s as though explosives have been placed throughout the Deep State to be detonated all at the same time, like a controlled demolition. Massive planning had to go into what we are experiencing today.
Thank goodness I wasn’t put in charge of the operation to take down the Deep State. If I was, it wouldn’t be going this well. The main reason it wouldn’t be going this well is because I never would have allowed the 2020 Election to be stolen. I would have insisted that Trump remain in power. If my plan occurred, the process of eliminating the Deep State would not look the way it does today. It would not be this effective.
If Trump had insisted on staying in office in 2020, the process of taking the Deep State down would have looked a lot different. It would have been more like the FBI sending the Deep State a letter in the mail expressing their desire to have a conversation with them at a future date, allowing them to shred and delete any evidence against them. Trump walking away in 2020 and winning the election in 2024, an election the Deep State thought they could steal again, is like 47 FBI agents showing up at the Deep State’s house at 3am and kicking the door in. Shock and awe, still in their pajamas, the Deep State had no means of fighting back, destroying evidence or escaping.
Thank goodness I wasn’t in charge; I would have made mass arrests of the biggest Deep State players as soon as Trump was inaugurated again. Instead, Trump and his DOGE team first went after USAID, the Deep State slush fund. The genius here is that USAID wasn’t considered by most to be a partisan entity. We are conditioned not to listen to attacks made on our belief system, attacks against our side. If Trump had done what I would have done, the liberals would be accusing Trump of rounding up all his detractors and locking up anyone who might oppose his authoritarian power. Mass protesting and chaos would be occurring. Much of the country would refuse to adhere to the rule of law.
As it is, both sides are listening. The left may not agree with Trump eliminating USAID, but they are at least listening when examples of its corruption are coming out. The left is being exposed to the ridiculous rantings of the media and Democrats. The left is questioning why the media and Democrats are panicking and fighting so hard to protect USAID. Some are realizing that the media, whose sole purpose is to keep the government in check, is instead fighting to defend the government and hide their secrets.
Imagine being a salesperson trying to sell the product the media is having to sell. The product they are selling is the concept that Americans shouldn’t know where or how their government is spending their money. It’s none of our business. The government should not be transparent, and in fact, it is imperative that they work in total secrecy. Imagine trying to sell this product or service. They have been forced into it. No one in the Deep State thought to defend and protect their slush funds. They strategized and prepared against another assumed attack, a full-frontal attack. Trump attacked their flank and caught them completely off-guard and exposed.
Like most everyone reading this, I was angry the Wednesday following Election Day 2020 when I discovered the Deep State was trying to steal the election by trucking in fake ballots during the night. I assumed in a week or two, the steal would be obvious to everyone. I remember hearing the rumor that the CIA confiscated the election servers that were being held in Ukraine. I assumed Trump’s people had all the receipts and they would expose the Deep State’s corruption. The truth would come out and be accepted by the masses. I didn’t think we would see Biden inaugurated. I believed this all the way up to Biden’s inauguration. I didn’t think the people were asleep enough to accept the election results.
It didn’t take long after Biden’s inauguration to come to the conclusion that Trump allowed the election to be stolen. But why? I had faith that Trump wouldn’t just walk away, handing complete control back to the Deep State. The concept of Devolution started to make sense. For much of the four years I believed that Biden’s presidency was an exposure operation occurring in a child-proofed room. The country and world needed to see for themselves, they couldn’t be told. There were things that needed to occur, and it was beneficial that they occurred on Biden’s watch.
Not that any of this is necessarily incorrect, but after experiencing the speed and efficiency of the current Deep State take down, I realize there was more to it. In order for the attack on the Deep State to happen like a lightning strike, intensive planning would be necessary.
For four years, Trump and his allies have been planning a D-Day like attack, a storming of the beach. Like a prizefighter needs a training camp to prepare for a fight or a Broadway show needs months to rehearse for opening night, a detailed attack plan needed to be put in place. This attack plan needed to be practiced tirelessly under multiple scenarios. Assets needed to be put in place. In hindsight, the four years of Biden was not just beneficial but necessary.
Friends needed to appear to be foes. Does anyone really believe that Elon Musk voted for Biden in 2020. Does anyone think that seeing Trump being shot and standing strong afterward is the real reason Musk chose to support Trump, to devote all his time and effort into getting Trump re-elected. In six months, Elon has gone from being a Biden voter to a vital Trump ally, dismantling the corrupt US Government all while being viciously attacked by the media and the left. It sounds ridiculous in hindsight. They didn’t work very hard in creating or maintaining the illusion, likely because the Deep State knew long ago that Musk wasn’t their friend.
Why did Elon Musk become an enemy of the left the day he announced his interest in buying Twitter. Why did the Biden Administration do everything in their power to destroy Musk, a guy who supposedly voted for Biden in 2020. He hadn’t shown any allegiance to Trump. Yes, he was the biggest contractor of the US military during Trump’s first administration, but he didn’t even vote for Trump in 2020. On paper, Musk stood for everything the Biden Administration stood for; he was by far the biggest producer of EVs in America, so why the attacks on him.
It’s obvious the Deep State wasn’t fooled by everything; they’ve known the majority of who is working against them for a while now, it was harder to know who would turn their backs on them towards the end. But while they knew many of their enemies, what they didn’t know is the process in which their enemies would attack. While they were busy preparing for a full-frontal attack, they left their flank exposed.
While the Deep State was expecting an ICE-led mass deportation of illegals, Trump has somehow figured out how to get them to deport themselves. By not allowing immigrants to apply for immigration for 10-20 years if they are deported, Trump has illegals deporting themselves. Violent criminals are being rounded up and deported because the threat of an immigration ban holds no threat to them.
How would Trump fire a significant percentage of the US Federal Government. Force them to come into work. Those collecting a government salary while simultaneously working another job would now need to choose between the two. How do you speed up the process of culling the government herd, offer them eight months’ severance, or they run the risk of being fired with nothing. Set a deadline to take the deal. How many corrupt FBI and CIA employees believe they will survive the firings.
How do you get thousands of woke IRS agents to quit? You force them to go out on ICE raids. This tactic is both genius and hilarious at the same time. It’s the equivalent of forcing woke-climate-change-crazy employees at the EPA to go and work at an F-150 plant.
Trump’s people have it all. Elon Musk has Adderall-fueled autistic tech bro zoomers using AI technology to scour through government documents and communications. They quickly know who and what needs to be cut. Take the severance package or be fired, you decide.
It may not be how we envisioned the fall of the Deep State, but it is effective just the same. Self-deportations, severance inspired resignations, slush funds being shut down. All with minimal chaos created. All with very little collateral damage being done.
It’s a good thing I wasn’t put in charge of the Deep State takedown. It would be more exciting, more car chases, shootouts and doors being kicked in, half-awake criminals being dragged out of their houses in their pajamas. Publicly shamed faces we all recognize. But it wouldn’t be this effective, nor happening this quickly.
It’s like the Deep State is having their supply chains cut off. It’s like an army being starved into surrender during a bitter cold winter. I’m sure many will begin to take the easy way out. Suicide weekend will most likely become plural.
Ask yourself, if Trump rebuilds Gaza with multi-national cooperation, how would Israel get away with bombing the new Trump Tower on the Gaza Strip. If they did, how would America justify still supporting Israel. The plan is genius, much smarter than I could have ever come up with.
The Deep State has lost, their only hope now is to vilify the autistic tech bro zoomers who are investigating their crimes. They can’t justify their crimes; they can’t defend the theft of trillions of American’s taxes to push forth their agendas while pocketing billions for themselves. They are left with attacking the people who are exposing their corruption. Attacking the people looking at the security camera footage of the robbery.
Don’t be fooled, in their desperate attempts to survive, the Deep State players have walked right into a trap. They’ve accidentally tightened the nooses around their own necks. Trump, Musk and the autists know exactly what they are doing.
Thank you Jesus. Thank you for giving us a front row seat to the greatest show on Earth.
After about your third prediction came true, I had to read everything you write. Your plan and mine would have been the same, but I'm so glad theirs is better. And way more amusing! One thing I will NEVER "tired of winning"!!! Once Kash is confirmed we will no doubt be in for a real fireworks display!
Hey a few perp-walks and a couple of doors kicked in would spice things up a bit,yes? We deserve at least one or two !!!!