Sep 27Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent thread on the banking industry from the eyes of we Christians and more importantly, God’s word. It is interesting how the Jews got to over representation in banking.

The corruption of the Vatican was likely planned by the evil one to put a ‘Christian’ face while deceiving the followers, operating child trafficking and many other evils, including usury, actually worshipping Satan behind the public eye, and its no accident the best kept secrets are in the Vatican vaults. The future for the cabal and their premiere locations (Vatican, London and DC) is not in their best interest. That’s a positive development as more and more awaken. The corruption IS in all of the religious institutions, to a greater or lesser extent. Other than being evil, the best description of the evil one is insidious.

It is clearly apparent if one reads history that the influence of Christianity has made a positive impact upon the world’s civilizations since Jesus’ time here. It’s often in subtle ways, but the rule of law (prior to the total corruption and manipulation) has been based upon God’s word. That has been good for both believers and nonbelievers.

I remember an article Joe Lange wrote wherein Bitcoin (or whichever equivalent with blockchain technology) would allow secure separate banking accounts for individuals who could access their accounts via the post offices. They are located everywhere, including remote locations. This seems a very reasonable approach and the technology for individuals can prevent the access of power by groups of people to re-establish their corrupt system.

It’s encouraging to see the cabal and their minions panicking as it’s showing their desperation to maintain control over the slaves. Unfortunately for them, this cannot be stopped. We must, however, be prepared for a greatly unsettled timeframe as they will not go down without a fight and remember that they adhere to ‘the end justifies the means’ to excuse the worst actions.

God bless you Erik, for using the gifts God gave you.🙏🙏

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Sep 27Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes, I put a comment before reading yours, couldn't remember the exact detail of Joe Lange and the postal system as a bank. Thanks for completing my thought memory!!

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It’s crazy we once used the post office for banking. Why not again?

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It’s crazy we once used the post office for banking. Why not again?

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If you believe that, put $100 bill in an envelope and mail it to yourself.

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Another great post, How about we eliminate money and each help lift others up as was the design by the creator. We live in a world of abundance. Scarcity is a product of the banking class to keep us all enslaved. God doesn't create scarcity unless it's to teach a lesson. God creates abundance. I like to use corn as an example but any natural plant will work. Plant 2 seeds of corn, what do you get? At least two ears of corn with up to hundreds of seeds each. But that is much different than mining unobtainum.. LOL. I believe we need to get back to what the Native Americans had, not money but barter and trade. KISS, Keep it simple silly... For the Love of money is the root of all evil... Evil has taken over and is controlling our country!!! again, great post. If you get a chance read my new substack The Constitution vs The Declaration of Independence... Peace,,,

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I will. God bless.

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Sep 27Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks for the lesson. Visiting the Jewish quarter in Warsaw some years ago, I learned that the only Jews allowed out of the Jewish Ghetto were the bankers, to deal with what the Christian leaders didn't want to do. I didn't understand about the Vatican of 300 AD years and the compromise they made. Fast forward to today. I believe in an earlier substack Joe Lange wrote about the possibility of the postal system being used as a kind of bank. That intrigued me, he hasn't mentioned it again. So many things happening and falling in place with Q drops. I love to read and listen to what is going on behind the news that isn't very trustworthy or truth-telling as to why events happen, like arrests or stepping down. Glad for Telegram to find out. And substacks. Thanks, Erik. I'm out there stumping for Trump Force 47. You are connecting dots with your research.

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Sep 27Liked by Erik Carlson

Any consideration that the khazarian jews are the ones ruling the financial/banking system, not the traditional Jews of Bible times? Does that make a difference in how we view the whole situation you have brought to us today?

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It makes sense that the Jews of the Bible wouldn’t loan money to other Jews for a profit.

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not the traditional Jews of Bible times?

I wouldn’t know about that, but what I do know is that Jesus called them The children of the devil

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Well thought out! This writing is a keeper to me. I will refer back to it many times. Another one of yours I can pass along to my normie brother, when he is ready. Thank you!

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Sep 27Liked by Erik Carlson

I love every word of this and it makes me hopeful for a bright future!!! Thanks

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17 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

The title that came thru to my inbox has Usery. But the title on this page for Substack is correct!

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17 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

I think you have a typo. Usury is what you mean. :-)

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Noticed that later.

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Eric, I always love your articles - but you might want to correct the spelling. I think you mean "Usury"


"extortionate moneylending, payday lending; informal loan-sharking; offensive shylocking."

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Wonderful article Eric as usual. Bless you bro.

Years ago, realising that the Government run Public Housing scheme here in Australia was a mess, I started to think of how it might be better managed.

Very briefly, this is what I came up with.

Instead of the government owning, building and maintaining public housing and providing it to the underprivileged at lower than market value rental rates; a system that results in a very high percentage of public housing being trashed, my solution was as follows:

The government redevelop the housing to a much higher standard than the current public housing. In other words, the current undesirable public houses are torn down and rebuilt as very desirable homes.

The new homes are then sold to the people who currently rent them at the sworn valuation of the new home on an interest free loan for 35 years.

What would be the outcome?

For the Government::

Well, instead of the government owning the land the original house was built on, it could sell the land ( along with the new house) thus realising the value of an asset ( the land) which it was never going to realise any other way.

Instead of the government owning a house that is being rented to a person who does not care for it because they have no ownership of it; as well as having the on going financial burden of maintaining that house forever, all for a rental return less than market value, the government would be released from that never ending financial burden and be able to concentrate on the needs of another needy person.

Let’s put some numbers to it...

Say the land is worth 100k, and the redevelopment costs $300k. Total cost $400k.

And suppose the sworn valuation of the new home after the rebuild is $500k

The government would recoup the $100k value of the land plus $100k profit on the redevelopment. Meaning they are $200k better off...PLUS, they no longer have the ongoing burden of maintaining a property that is probably being ill cared for.

The new owner?

Well they just got to buy a home they could never afford to own for it’s sworn valuation at zero interest.

Their payments are $275 per week for 35 years which is about the same as they were paying in subsidised rental on an undesirable home previously.

The payments could be modified to be lower in the initial years and greater in the latter years if that was necessary in individual cases.

The new owner would very likely have pride in their home and look after it rather than trash it.

Every cent the new owner paid would be another cent of equity in their home.

The new owner would now take personal responsibility for the roof over their head, it’s maintenance, it’s improvement, it’s beautification etc.

The new owner now has an asset to pass on to his children.

The new owner now has pride in his home, himself, his community.

The new owner now has a reason to get out of bed and go to work.

The new owner is now an owner instead of a forever renter.

The new owner can now look his wife and kids in the eye with self respect.

The new owner can trash his new home, or improve his new home. The choice is his. The responsibility is his. The incentive is his.

I believe that the new owner has just been given the reason to be a better citizen and a contributor to society instead of a burden on it.

And the government just made $200k clear profit on the deal and in the process, assisted a citizen to become self sufficient, and a worthwhile member of society.

It will not work in every case. But it would definitely work in MOST cases.

And you know, even if the sworn valuation at the end of the redevelopment was no more than the cost, it would still be a worthwhile government project for all the reasons above.

I do not believe that such a scheme would cure all the ills of society, but I do believe there is no downside to it whatsoever.

Then I thought ....


Why couldn’t all young couples, when they got married be given exactly the same opportunity regardless of their financial circumstances.

Every newly married couple could start out life together in a brand new home provide by the government on an interest free loan, and the government would probably make money on the deal!

Either way, it would worth it for the benefit to society.

ECC 11:1

Cast your bread on the waters and you will find it after many days.

And a closing thought:

All housing transactions could be conducted in a similar way between home owners.

Say my employment required me to move across the country 3500 kilometres from Melbourne to Perth.

I could sell my home for its sworn valuation to a new buyer on an interest fee loan negotiated between him and me, and provided I could buy my new home exactly the same way, there would be no disadvantage in doing so.

Just a contract between individuals.

Say I sold a $2 m house in Melbourne and because I am able to afford to do so, I upgrade to a $2.5m house in Perth. And let’s say each transaction is conducted over 10 years.

I would receive $3846 per week for the house I sold, directly from the buyer ( once again at zero interest). And I would have to pay directly to the person I bought my new home from $4807 per week for my upgraded house in Perth. ( also at zero interest)

No need for a bank at all!

There would be some legal documentation and expenses that would have to be set up and paid for between buyers and sellers, but it is all doable, with a different mindset.

Yes yes, what if the buyer of my house stopped paying the $3846 per week he agreed to pay you ask?

Well yes, that would be a problem.

But it could be largely eliminated too by having a clause in the contract of sale stating that in the case of default, the ownership of the home automatically reverts to the previous owner. And then, the matter must go to a tribunal within a very short timeframe, probably less than a fortnight. A tribunal set up specifically for the purpose of negotiating such matters, in order to find a fair solution for both parties.

It would not be a perfect solution. But either is falling into arrears with a bank!

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Sep 27Liked by Erik Carlson

Great article Erik!

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I'm a big fan Erik. But to me--there are more urgent topics to write about. I'm not sure that the Lord is in a tizzy about this. I know it has a place in scripture. In my men's group I always like to say that when we are arguing about Calvinist or Arminianism, it's time to get back to the ABC's of '...love your Lord with all your heart, mind and soul. And while you're at it---love your neighbor as yourself.' We are trying to do Calculus and we haven't fully understood Algebra. Keep it going.

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I would argue that when we went against God’s command against usury we became debt slaves, which put us where we are today, controlled by the Cabal.

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