Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

We can file those 90 executives with the 151 intelligence agents that told us Hunter’s laptop was disinformation.

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Just 51.

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Along with the "consensus of scientists" who told us we need the jab.

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Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank for putting this info in perspective. Often the last paragraph of a news article has a little truth. I gave up local papers, all fake news or very slanted. Internet has better news but we have to discern here, too! Good job.

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Excellent point and much appreciated. Like it or not we're at war with a MSM propaganda machine, and I love when people dive in and disect like this. Ty!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

How about the headline be "Out of 20,000 large companies, only 90 endorse KH". As always, thanks for your compelling articles.

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The same could be said about statistics. They can be manipulated to suit a narrative.

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Hmm…just like polls, right?

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Yeah, every time I hear that Kackala is anywhere close to DJT in the polls, I think, "No stinking way"!!!

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Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

Are these people supposed to be intelligent…or are they so intensely stupid that they don’t even know it?

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A few individuals may not know. They may be naive and unaware, or just hate DJT.

The corporations however are in full time.

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I can't say much about this claim to fame but I will say they raised their prices during this inflation and Kamala as my understanding goes says she is going to get these guys that raised their prices. She wants to set pricing. I am sure they want to go along with that idea.. I am sure!

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She is lying.

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Wow, that is a lot of (apparently) compromised executives. At least we see who [they] are.

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Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

Great examples today as citizen workers have essentially been replaced by illegal aliens virtually one to one. Exactly how Soros, his masters, and the cabal minions planned it…turns the US on a fast track to a third world country where everyone but the elites suffer.

Oh, and all of the corporation executives supporting the cackling one? Their intertwined system is fascism. This is a true spiderweb of incestuous connections and like the better known mafia, they can be brought down.

Thank you, Erik, for all the common sense awareness you bring to this fight! God bless you.🙏🙏

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Excellent example of questioning the msm narrative and using logic to find the answer. Great post, Erik ❤️

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Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes, the view is defined by what porthole they tell us to look through.

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Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

That’s why I love ya Erik! 🙏🏻👊🏻

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Awesome point Erik. They lie while trying to tell partial truths... That's why I call it the Tell-Lie-Vision.. Since the change to the Smith Mundt act in 2012 they can push all the propaganda they want without consequence.. Turn the fear based programming box off... Peace...

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Sep 6Liked by Erik Carlson

But ALL of Walz's family endorsed Trump! To me, that is a much BIGGER statement!

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I took a critical thinking course in college & got an A. My friend who frequently aced every class got a C in this one. She was outraged that I did well. She was considered intelligent but I realized that she was not a critical thinker even though she was educated & bright. She was unable to consider what was left out. I can see through things. I hear “wait a minute” in my head & then I start asking questions. Statistics are often propaganda tools. You would get an A Erik in your discernment across the board.

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Information warfare is everywhere, particularly in the financial sector.

These are CCP level tactics and that is why I guarantee a lot of those executives mentioned that support Harris also have ties to the CCP in some capacity.

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