There’s a saying, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” I actually thought this was from the Bible, I had to look it up. It’s an old Chinese proverb. Whatever the case, it is full of wisdom. It is profound. It is something that needs to be remembered and applied in practice.
As a parent, if you don’t prepare your children to become independent as they get older, they will always be dependent on you. It’s fine to have your children rely on you as their parent, their loved one, but they must be prepared to become self-sufficient. Once you push them out of the nest and into the real world, a world where they’re expected to take care of themselves, to earn a living, to pay their rent, to feed themselves, and to do their laundry, and maybe to eventually start a family, they must have acquired and been taught the skills to survive, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Teaching self-sufficiency comes through instruction and leading by example.
The work of teaching your children independence starts early on at home. If you always do for your children and never allow them the opportunities to learn and do for themselves, they will be like a house cat released into the jungle once they become of adult age. As much as a child thinks they would rather have their parents do everything for them, a parent knows it would be cruel to set them off on life’s journey completely unprepared.
The same thing could be said about the American people in general. For decades Americans have been told what to think, what to believe and what to do. Control through propaganda has left many Americans with an inability to survive on their own. Unable to think for themselves. In some cases, completely unable to have an independent thought. Unable to stand on their own. Afraid to go against the “group think”.
An abused child may become incapable of seeing the world as it truly is due to the abuse they’ve endured. The abuse may permanently affect how their brain works. Their brain may no longer be a normal functioning brain, and it can’t be expected to function properly again just because the abuse has stopped.
If someone was born and raised in a cult, and one day the cult leaders were arrested and the cult was disbanded, it doesn’t make the cult members ready or capable of moving on. Without help and time to heal, they will likely be incapable of adjusting to the real world. While they have been physically freed, mentally they are still under the control of the cult, or victims of the damage the cult leaders have inflicted on them.
As many Americans wake up to lies and propaganda that have shaped their thoughts and altered their minds, being told the truth isn’t always enough, it isn’t usually enough. As many Americans start to wake up, they are like cult members who have lost their cult, and whether or not they understand it, they are now looking for a new cult to join. Their minds aren’t prepared or capable of thinking on their own, of being on their own. They want to be told what to think. The synapses and neurons aren’t firing fast enough for them to process the new information they are learning. They just want to be told what to believe, to blend in with the masses.
Through chronic abuse of drugs and alcohol, an addict’s brain can become rewired, dopamine shut off. Smokers can eventually lose the physical craving to smoke but may have an empty feeling that comes from not having something between their middle and index finger.
It is not enough to simply shut off the propaganda machines and unlock the doors of the mental prison. It is not enough to give a man a fish, he must be taught how to fish.
I believe what we have intentionally experienced during the waking process is not simply being given a fish, we are being taught how to fish. We are being taught how to think for ourselves. Most of us have never known a time when we weren’t being propagandized. Like an addict, some people’s brains are rewired, unable to function properly. Everyone’s brain has been affected to some degree. To deny this is like a six-pack a day drinker saying they don’t have a drinking problem. They may be able to function, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t an alcoholic, just a functioning alcoholic.
The process in which the truth has been disseminated to us is intentional. The pace in which the truth has been released to us has been calculated. As a society, we have been woken up at a pace that allows our mind’s eye to adjust to the morning light. The cure can’t be worse than the disease. We can’t learn to swim by being pushed into the deep end of the pool. This may work for some, but for others it results in death.
Some people complain that the truth hasn’t been released to the American people fast enough. I would argue for some at least, this would be the equivalent of transferring a drug overdose patient from an emergency room straight to a crack house or an opium den as soon as they are conscious again. The overdose patient likely needs to go into rehab, followed by a half-way house, and eventually home. This process may even take a few tries before sticking. In some cases, it may never stick.
The past eight years or so has been a necessary process, at a necessary pace to transition us back into society. A real society, not a new Matrix-like existence. We haven’t been simply given a fish; we have been taught how to fish for ourselves. We have been taught how to think for ourselves. We’ve been taught how to reason for ourselves.
I believe the reason the propaganda machine hasn’t been completely unplugged from the wall, is so that we can continue to learn, and become more independent. We can’t simply live in a cave to be free of the mind control. We must be able to hear lies and recognize them for what they are.
It took me years to completely understand what 9/11 really was, and how it was used to gain more control of us. It took me weeks to figure out what Benghazi was all about. It took me days to recognize what Covid was and its purpose. It took me minutes to question 10/7. See the pattern here?
Needless to say, we have been taught to recognize the truth, and to reject the lies. The pace of learning has not caused most of us to break or become black pilled and hopeless. We have been trained to become independent. We have been taught to think for ourselves.
What does thinking for ourselves mean? It means recognizing patterns. Last week Elon Musk went on Joe Rogan’s podcast and said he couldn’t say too much because he feared he would be assassinated. The next week SCOTUS ruled against Trump, allowing USAID to continue sending money to foreign countries. Through this process, it seems apparent that some of SCOTUS are compromised, acting in fear.
Very recently Tucker Carlson interviewed FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried from prison. This lighthearted interview with the crypto guru who is facing 25 years for fraud, happened when it happened for a reason. It is shedding light on America’s corrupt judicial system, as the SCOTUS situation is doing simultaneously. I predict it will be shown that Bankman-Fried was actually railroaded and will be pardoned by Trump. The spotlight is currently being shined on America’s judicial system, its corruption and its need to change.
As the media funding starts to dissipate, expect the propaganda and manipulation to change in how it occurs. Without the platforms to push lies and disinformation as they could for years, with such broad sweeping capacity, the realm in which the Deep State manipulation exists will change.
The corrupt RINOs, Neocons and liberals can’t refute the claims DOGE has made about government corruption and waste, so they must attack Elon Musk on a personal level instead. If you can’t attack the message, then you must attack the messenger. Desperately the media and social media influencers are now claiming Elon Musk isn’t really very smart and he isn’t really very creative, he isn’t really very important. Ironically, the same media and social media influencers were fanboys of Musk right up to the point he announced his interest in buying Twitter. A complete reversal in opinion overnight.
They claim Musk and his staff shouldn’t have access to citizen’s personal information that tens of thousands of government workers have access to everyday. Suddenly personal privacy has become paramount to them.
When Trump spoke at the Address to the Nation, all the liberals could do was hold up signs saying “false” and “lies” and “this is not normal.” They are right about one thing, this is no longer the norm, speaking truth has not been the norm for a very long time.
With polls stating three-quarters of Americans approve of what DOGE is doing, and three-quarters of Americans approve of Trump’s Address speech, it is clear the only recourse the Deep State has left is to attack not only the messengers but the receivers of the messages.
Attack the receivers of the truth. Ridicule them for believing the message. Cause the receiver of the truth to not trust themselves, to question their own discernment, make them believe they are foolish and stupid. Muddy the waters so that one might have a reason to question their common sense. Black pill by demanding unreasonable expectations, in an unreasonable timeline.
Be careful of who you trust, their intentions may not be sincere. They may appear to align with your thoughts and beliefs, but their intention is to pull the rug out from underneath you. They may push for the whole truth to be revealed at once, seeming to care about the truth, but really wanting the chaos that would ensue. They may try to convince you that you didn’t really hear what you heard or try to convince you that you misinterpreted it. It’s like the serpent in the Garden of Eden trying to convince Adam and Eve of what God really said of the Tree of Life. Their intention is to enter the room, drop a grenade and leave.
We must continue to learn to think for ourselves. We must develop discernment, but that development only comes through exposure to the lies of the world. For many Americans who are just starting to wake up, their discernment is still at a toddler’s level. This must be developed and nurtured. This will keep us as a society from falling back into the same hole we just crawled out of.
We must not only learn discernment in the messages we receive, but discernment in who we trust. We must trust ourselves and not be shaken by a bot-driven insult we receive in the comments section of a social media post. We must disengage from anyone who tries to tell us what we really heard, but we must not be offended by the truth teller when they show us how we’ve been led astray.
We must be able to stand on our own. We must be able to recognize when we are being manipulated. We must be comfortable when the majority doesn’t appear to agree with us. Our desire for the truth to be fully revealed can’t be to validate ourselves and to make others look bad. The desire for the full truth to be revealed can’t be so we can say, “I told you so.”
Our need for the full truth to be revealed must come from the unselfish desire for others to know the truth and for justice to prevail. Nothing more and nothing less. As much as we would like people to recognize that we’ve been right about it all the past eight years or so, it’s more important that the public hears the truth at a pace they are able to accept it.
This might require a little more patience.
We have to face the hard facts that we can’t have our cake and eat it too. Obiden and MSM lied for the past 4 years -25% of the jobs created were for govt jobs and many others foe non citizens. In addition to the egregious theft of our taxes to pay for fraud etc. This course correction will affect all of us negatively initially. The latest SCOTUS 5-4 lawfair against Doge is another obstacle.
I like this read on Trump. I've long seen him as a wise teacher of the whole of mankind.