We have to face the hard facts that we can’t have our cake and eat it too. Obiden and MSM lied for the past 4 years -25% of the jobs created were for govt jobs and many others foe non citizens. In addition to the egregious theft of our taxes to pay for fraud etc. This course correction will affect all of us negatively initially. The latest SCOTUS 5-4 lawfair against Doge is another obstacle.

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I like this read on Trump. I've long seen him as a wise teacher of the whole of mankind.

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Interesting article, I enjoyed it. I would encourage us to take a look at this world and look at where we stand from a scriptural perspective and from a Godly perspective. I believe that there has always been a fight between good and evil since day one. The enemy we face and all of mankind before us has faced is a fight for our souls against the enemy. The enemy wants to take your soul with him to spend eternity in a very dark place and steal the opportunity to spend it with our Creator who has a marvelous plan for all His creation. The enemy took a third of the angels with him when he rebelled against the Creator and was thrown out of heaven. We see this rebellion around the world. It’s a spiritual battle. We are living in the last days that scripture prophesied over two thousand years ago. The church age is coming to an end and our Creator’s plan for the Jew will come to fruition during the seven year tribulation when they will realize who their true messiah is and spread the good news throughout the world. The increase in evil is part of what will happen in the last days. I would recommend whoever reads this to ask your Creator what needs to be done in their lives in order to find their true calling in life. I would encourage anyone to read scripture daily and receive direction through the Spirit. I would then make Jesus the center of your life and keep your eyes on Him. Don’t get caught up in the chaos of this world but find the peace and hope that can only be found through Jesus and our helper the Spirit. There is a lot going on in this world at the moment and even more going on spiritually that we can not conceive with our human minds. Don’t let the center of your world revolve around just the politics of the US, there is a big world out there and there will come a time soon when a world leader will make his entrance onto the world scene and force everyone to bow to him. The time is now, get right with your Creator because the world is on a collision course with destiny. The Creator has a plan, not only for each of us individually but a plan for all His creation and it is incredible. Jesus is alive and well and preparing for His very soon second return. Don’t get left behind and have a blessed day.

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It’s not a coincidence that when they removed God from the American society, discernment died.

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I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that Eric. I believe discernment to be a gift of the Holy Spirit, and is very alive and well today, if not, I would be dead or in prison.

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Discernment may have not completely died, but it was surely hampered, especially the children.

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Especially the children? That’s probably true and I think it reflects badly on the parents

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Trusting in God’s plan for this time keeps us free of paralyzing fear. Then we are better situated to do His will in our individual lives. Blessings!🙏

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More excellent writing from Erik. More patience indeed is required. And more EXAMPLE SETTING in taking bold steps to show people it's okay to change your actions based on what you now know is true. For example, after seeing the corruption and misuse of our taxes and the crimes of those that demand them, why would anyone consider filing this year?

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My discernment is a combo of a gift of the Holy Spirit, study of history and connecting the dots, and yes it does happen, prophetic dreams. I liked a critical thinking course I took in undergraduate school which influenced the way I read statistics. There are narrative pushers that I consider and instead of choosing all of a narrative I break it apart and concentrate on my own narrative that forms and changes because “truth is a slippery fish.” (Wild And Distant Seas). The only truth for me is that God is my Creator and anything in this world that acknowledges that I try to align myself with. The closest political thing I see as an alignment with God is the US constitution. Nations come and go, people come and go but souls go on. Whatever saves my soul is the policy I follow.

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Analytical thinking at its best!

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I like this and agree. It seems like the machinery of our school system kept us so busy with homework and extracurricular activities we scarcely did anything else, let alone pause for reflection. When they removed Drivers Ed from the schools and replaced it with many AP classes and Honors classes, they pushed the limits of our best and brightest.

Then they hobbled their independence, no American Graffiti cruising etc. lol. Lofty Ideas of working from home isolated and ultimately only part-time work for highly educated young people. Only very disciplined (literally some whipped) taking on certain better jobs. Demoralized young people and their parents not knowing how to fight their demoral programming.

We are here now for those of us who survived, not the phentinal ones sadly. There is much work to be done to overcome their "lost" years and the way forward now is not so clear. I will keep trying of course.

I joined Truth Social hoping to get this very message out. To not forget our bright, now, 20 somethings. Hoping and seeking solutions, ideas for overcoming the damage. That was 2 yrs ago. I already knew that time was ticking away and 2 years of stuff going into their brains that I could not stop. Even to the point now my GATE daughter will no longer talk to me.

There is only so much armor a mom can put on so I've been waiting. I'm glad I found the Badlands guys to help me get through. Thank you too Eric. Blessings.

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Great article. I didn't start waking up until right after Trump came down the escalator.

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‘Nothing more and nothing less.’ Exactly the purpose of wanting the truth so mankind can benefit. We must learn discernment of both people and what we’re told. We must truly question everything, check multiple ways of verifying the truth (or not). This is a great way to explain the issues associated with just now waking up and it tells us ‘non-anons’ what our roles may very likely be as the flood of evil is released. It is a method to ensure that the best outcome for the most people is achieved, when we can again think for ourselves.

Thank you, Erik, and God bless you.🙏

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I always wonder how you became so wise & obtained the ability to put your wisdom into words.

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As usual, I enjoy your writing. Thank you.

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