My discernment is a combo of a gift of the Holy Spirit, study of history and connecting the dots, and yes it does happen, prophetic dreams. I liked a critical thinking course I took in undergraduate school which influenced the way I read statistics. There are narrative pushers that I consider and instead of choosing all of a narrative I …
My discernment is a combo of a gift of the Holy Spirit, study of history and connecting the dots, and yes it does happen, prophetic dreams. I liked a critical thinking course I took in undergraduate school which influenced the way I read statistics. There are narrative pushers that I consider and instead of choosing all of a narrative I break it apart and concentrate on my own narrative that forms and changes because “truth is a slippery fish.” (Wild And Distant Seas). The only truth for me is that God is my Creator and anything in this world that acknowledges that I try to align myself with. The closest political thing I see as an alignment with God is the US constitution. Nations come and go, people come and go but souls go on. Whatever saves my soul is the policy I follow.
My discernment is a combo of a gift of the Holy Spirit, study of history and connecting the dots, and yes it does happen, prophetic dreams. I liked a critical thinking course I took in undergraduate school which influenced the way I read statistics. There are narrative pushers that I consider and instead of choosing all of a narrative I break it apart and concentrate on my own narrative that forms and changes because “truth is a slippery fish.” (Wild And Distant Seas). The only truth for me is that God is my Creator and anything in this world that acknowledges that I try to align myself with. The closest political thing I see as an alignment with God is the US constitution. Nations come and go, people come and go but souls go on. Whatever saves my soul is the policy I follow.
Analytical thinking at its best!