I recently listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with Mark Zuckerberg. Having written an article for Badlands on the economy and the CIA’s role in it shortly before listening, I noticed that Rogan and Zuckerberg mentioned some things that I wrote about. No, they didn’t read my article, but I always find it interesting when people come to the same conclusions independently, contrary to mainstream media narratives. When this occurs, I believe it is a pretty strong indicator that it is very close to the truth.
The point that we both made is that the US economy heavily relies on American Big Tech, and it is essentially what separates America from the rest of the world’s economy. The rest of the world can’t seem to compete in this space. Why then has the Biden Administration done everything in its power lately to interfere with American Big Tech? I believe they lost control of it, and it didn’t exactly occur when Trump won the 2024 Election. I believe it happened much earlier.
I’m not asking people to forgive Zuckerberg for being involved in the censorship of the American people. I’m not asking people to forget his role in the stealing of the 2020 Election. I’m asking people to attempt to walk a mile in his shoes. I’m asking people to consider that, like everything else, things may not be as they appear to be or rather appeared to be. Most importantly, I’m asking people to not talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time. Zuckerberg can’t be a total puppet and be in complete control at the same time.
I have no idea how involved Zuckerberg has been in the censorship and propagandization of Americans since Facebook started around 20 years ago. I have no idea his true intentions. I have no idea if he understood who really created and controlled Facebook, or if he later figured this out, or when this occurred. I have no idea if the CIA threatened him and his family to do their dirty work. The truth is, no one reading this fully understands exactly how involved Zuckerberg has been or how willing he has been to essentially do the CIA’s bidding.
Many reading this know that Facebook started on 2/4/2004, the same day the CIA’s citizen data collecting operation, LifeLog, was shut down. Much of the early funding of Facebook came from CIA shell companies. For those that don’t understand about LifeLog, here is a brief description of the operation which was created by DARPA.
According to Wikipedia,
LifeLog was a project of the Information Processing Techniques Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). […]
LifeLog aimed to compile a massive electronic database of every activity and relationship a person engages in. This was to include credit card purchases, web sites visited, the content of telephone calls and e-mails sent and received, scans of faxes and postal mail sent and received, instant messages sent and received, books and magazines read, television and radio selections, physical location recorded via wearable GPS sensors, biomedical data captured through wearable sensors. The high-level goal of this data logging was to identify "preferences, plans, goals, and other markers of intentionality".
Another of DARPA's goals for LifeLog had a predictive function. It sought to “find meaningful patterns in the timeline, to infer the user’s routines, habits, and relationships with other people, organizations, places, and objects, and to exploit these patterns to ease its task". […]
The LifeLog program was canceled on February 4th, 2004, after criticism concerning the privacy implications of the system.
The story we are told is that a young Mark Zuckerberg created the algorithms to start Facebook while attending Harvard. CIA controlled Hollywood even made a movie about it called Social Network to further convince us this is how it happened.
How willing and how much understanding did Zuckerberg have in these early years. Was he approached by a couple of guys in black suits and sunglasses who said, “we are with the CIA, we have technology that can be used to control and propagandize America. We want you to be the face of this operation that we will control, and in return, we will make you one of the richest men in the world.”
Or did it happen differently. Was the DARPA social media technology more subtly shared with him through people around him. Did he not realize the initial funding he received to start the company was actually coming from the CIA. Did he believe he was the driving force behind the company.
Maybe it was something in between. Maybe he gladly and knowingly accepted the technology and understood where the funding came from. But he didn’t realize how much control the CIA would have over his company, and how much damage it would eventually do to America. The truth is we don’t know where his willingness and understanding lies on the spectrum.
According to Zuckerberg, it wasn’t until Trump was elected in 2016 that the government began to pressure him and his company to censor their users. Facebook wasn’t allowed to have content that was contrary to the Russiagate narrative. He said that Facebook was later threatened by the government in 2020 to not allow any content that was contrary to the Covid and vaccine narratives. Even if it was proven true. They were then forced to ban any talk of the Hunter Biden laptop leading into the 2020 Election.
It is at least plausible that how Zuckerberg explained it is how it really occurred. It’s possible Zuckerberg believed his platform was a way to bring people together, a platform that allowed people to independently voice their opinions and have community. It’s possible he didn’t realize how addicted to social media people would become, or how badly it would affect the youth. Again, I have no idea.
I shut down my Facebook account before 2016, before I was even awake. I realized that there was a reason I stopped communicating with these old friends, relatives and acquaintances. Hearing the things they said on Facebook reminded me why they were no longer a part of my life. Facebook was even hurting existing, ongoing relationships. Subjects like abortion and woke politics were beginning to drive a wedge between relationships. Maybe we shouldn’t know what everyone thinks or believes. Maybe we can know too much about our neighbors and coworkers.
If early on, many people believed that social media was only beneficial to one’s life, and later realized that it had some negative qualities, and eventually understood that it could and is being used to do evil, isn’t it possible that Zuckerberg could have followed the same path of understanding.
People talk about how Zuckerberg gave $400 million to help rig the 2020 Election for Biden. How do we know this wasn’t extortion. How do we know he wasn’t forced to give the money to the swamp creatures that stole the election. How do we know he understood the drop boxes would be used nefariously. Was he a prisoner to the system, or a willing participant. I have no idea, but I’m open to the idea that Zuckerberg hasn’t been the driving force behind his company’s censorship. Again, I understand he can’t be a puppet and in control at the same time. It’s either one or the other. If he is in complete control, why would the CIA allow this to happen. Why would they invest so much into a company they didn’t completely control. One could say that he is a willing participant, but they can’t argue that he is in control of anything.
Imagine if you went to a bank to get a loan to start your business, not understanding that the Mafia runs the bank. Then the Mafia starts laundering money through your business without your understanding. Once you realize they are laundering through your business and you refuse their business, they threaten to burn your business to the ground. What do you do?
Now imagine you are aware the bank which loaned you the money to start your business is run by the Mafia, but in your mind, so is every bank. You became aware early on that the Mafia was laundering money through your business, but in your mind, they were doing this through businesses all over town. But then you discover the laundered money is actually coming from the trafficking of children. You insist they no longer launder money through your business, after which, they threaten your family. What do you do?
Do people remember when it came out a year or two ago that Zuckerberg and Bezos were building bunkers. At the time, I thought they were building them for protection against citizens with pitchforks for when they discovered all the atrocities these billionaires perpetrated against society. But now, I think it is more believable that they built these bunkers to protect them and their families from their Deep State controllers after turning on them.
I remember seeing a picture of Jeff Bezos a few years ago and realizing how buff he has become. Mark Zuckerberg began training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and mixed martial arts a few years ago as well. Is this their subconscious way of standing up to their bullies. Their subconscious way of saying they aren’t going to be pushed around by their Deep State handlers anymore.
Again, I don’t believe these Big Tech CEOs started supporting Trump the moment they believed Trump would take power again. I believe it goes further back. I believe Trump took control of Crypto currency in late 2022 with the FTX scandal. I believe he took control of Big Tech in early 2023 during the Silicon Valley Bank bailout.
I also believe that while Trump took control of Big Tech in early 2023, he didn’t allow them to publicly support him until closer to the election. Business as usual until then. More people needed to be exposed to Big Tech’s ongoing bias. Even Elon Musk didn’t publicly endorse Trump until after his assassination attempt in July of 2024. At this point Zuckerberg said he wouldn’t endorse the Democrat candidate and Bezos later announced that WAPO wouldn’t endorse either candidate.
I understand how one could think that Zuckerberg and Bezos and all the Big Tech CEOs only climbed aboard the Trump Train because they understood he was going to be POTUS again. This may be the case. But I think there is more to it. I believe many within Big Tech have been held hostage by their handlers. I’m no longer convinced that their willingness and understanding is as at the level I once believed.
I am not saying these CEOs are innocent. I am not saying they must be forgiven for their involvement in censorship and propaganda. What I am saying is I now believe there is more to it. There is more involved than I once considered.
As I see it now, these guys were offered a big bag of money to head companies they thought would be beneficial to all Americans. Later, some discovered it was more nefarious than they originally assumed. When Trump won in 2016, the screws began to be turned on these big tech moguls. I believe it wasn’t until early 2023 that they were freed from their Deep State chains.
I no longer see it as a black and white issue. Big Tech’s involvement in the censoring and propagandization of America falls somewhere in between. I believe these CEOs were offered the carrot then later given the stick. While I haven’t completely forgiven and forgotten what these Big Tech CEOs have done, I am trying to understand the situation more through their eyes. I’m trying to consider other possibilities.
As I gather more information, I’m sure my opinion and understanding will change even more. One thing I’ve learned over the past few years is that as we gather more information, we must be able and willing to change our opinions. If we refuse to allow new information to alter our beliefs, we are no better than the people we consider brainwashed and lost forever.
By the way, do you really think Trump just started working with Oracle, OpenAI and SoftBank two days after taking office to come up with Stargate? He’s obviously been working with them for quite some time, long before he won the election. Maybe even before he even announced he was running for POTUS again.
If Zuckerberg did not create Facebook which is what is being told, then that is a lie that he reenforced. If he didn't create FB and took the basket the true creator offered, then that means he can be bought. Then Zuckerberg proceeds to lie continuously when saying he is not censoring. As far as I am concerned, only the truth will set him free. He needs to step up and admit he didn't create FB, that XXX did approach him with their sales offer and what that offer was. Admit the truth or don't but I will not believe anything from him until he does. This is the same stance I take on anyone, be it person or corporation. Come clean and we move on. I have respect for those that come clean because it shows, you most cases, courage and that they still have some morals even if a small amount.
Anyone who says they know for certain what is transpiring behind the scenes in the circles of power are kidding themselves. I would imagine that is quite a small group, relatively speaking. I appreciate your humbleness, honesty and self-reflection in admitting that you don’t.