If Zuckerberg did not create Facebook which is what is being told, then that is a lie that he reenforced. If he didn't create FB and took the basket the true creator offered, then that means he can be bought. Then Zuckerberg proceeds to lie continuously when saying he is not censoring. As far as I am concerned, only the truth will set him free. He needs to step up and admit he didn't create FB, that XXX did approach him with their sales offer and what that offer was. Admit the truth or don't but I will not believe anything from him until he does. This is the same stance I take on anyone, be it person or corporation. Come clean and we move on. I have respect for those that come clean because it shows, you most cases, courage and that they still have some morals even if a small amount.
I like your comparison of a corrupt bank. Could Zuckerberg have been blind to the corruption because of money?
What does God say?
1 Timothy 6:6-10 NKJV
Now godliness with contentment is great gain. [7] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. [8] And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. [9] But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. [10] For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Well, if Zuckerberg follows the divine and deeply moral principles of Trump, how can he possibly be wrong? Trump's Christian principles and his strict adherence to the words of Jesus Christ are clear for all to see. You can see by own Trump's actions, words and deeds---especially when it comes to his own modest and self-effacing attitudes towards accumulation and avarice---that Trump is the TRUE Son of God and should be treated accordingly at all times. God Bless!
Anyone who says they know for certain what is transpiring behind the scenes in the circles of power are kidding themselves. I would imagine that is quite a small group, relatively speaking. I appreciate your humbleness, honesty and self-reflection in admitting that you don’t.
Great job, as always. Your pragmatism and ability to change perspective as you get new info is refreshing - which is also why I believe Trump is such a good leader. He's able to evolve his opinion and change/correct course as he gets new information.
I tend to agree with you and your great analysis. As a Christian (and a Berean) I want to see proof of true repentance. Honest actions that turn away from the evil and to walk in God's path of truth and righteousness to do good in His eyes, not theirs.
This shift of big tech support away from the Democrats and in some cases to Trump is a mystery to me. Just like the election itself.
There were millions fewer fraudulent votes and votes shifted away from Trump electronically in 2024 than in 2020 IMO. Why less cheating? Was it because the cheaters couldn’t as effectively or did not want to?
And why the lack of violence in the aftermath? There was way more violence after the 2016 win than after this one. I seriously expected the streets of many cities to burn. And my entering argument with recent street violence is that only 20% of it is organic meaning that 80% is bought and paid for by evil powerful people. Why are they holding back?
Are the powers that be discouraged? Are they afraid? Did the level of incompetence of their lackies like Harris reach such a point that even they could not tolerate it? Are they shifting strategies? Have they splintered internally? Did some of the leadership die or reach an age where they can no longer lead? …?
The winds seem to have shifted. Maybe spring is coming after a long dark winter and we should just be happy and thankful. (Which I think we should be in any event.) However I am nervous because all these things seem to be happening way to smoothly
I think we are winning in the realm of the narrative. People are waking up. We worked hard in our county to watch the drop boxes 24/7 and know we kept some people from big drops late at night.
I took a look at this interview and here’s what hit me in the first five minutes. First - it’s not even him. This is a completely different person, one who is capable of animated speech, eyes that are actually alive and expressive and hair that is not a black Lego style but brown and curly. So everything he was saying was also totally not Mark Zuckerberg. This was the most obviously fakest thing put out there to further confuse and distract. I reckon the real M Z was ‘processed’ some time ago. Just my two pence.
I agree but I have seen too many of these replacements now to buy any of it. We are still in the movie despite Donald being back in office. I think it will continue for some time so as to ease our normies towards the truth gently by keeping a semblance of normality while most of the take-down has already been done.
The alphabet agencies are extremely powerful and can be forceful. Epstein brought to light how blackmail compromised some people in high positions. Erik makes some interesting insights. That’s why we follow him and other Badlanders.
There IS always more to the story of everything we see and are told. It’s likely planned this way in this ancient war to obsfucate the true intent and culpability behind each of the tools/people/companies developed to enslave us. It will be difficult to ascertain if there is a single person or entity culpable for the egregious crimes against us. Yet, justice must be served in a manner necessary to convince ‘we the people’ that we’ve not traded one set of masters for another.
We also must be able to change our perspective and opinions regarding these issues as new information is available. Otherwise we fall into the same trap that puppets of regimes espouse.
Now, this will not be as straightforward and clear as most of us have considered. Thank you for pointing out the complexity of the web evil people spin to control those they work through. I won’t sleep as easy, though!
I believe you make some valid points. I too have to change my opinion from time to time as more covid vaccine data emerges. However, is Zuckerberg a Rockefeller grandson? Did it not recently become known Bezos grandfather was part of DARPA? I believe same applies to Bill Gates? Do you see the pattern? None of them are brilliant just connected via family. Sounds to me DARPA workers find a way to enrich their family and heirs and we are talking filthy rich.
If you want to move past surface appearances, then forget about the actor Zuckerberg, a fake front man put up by Hollywood bio as the inventor of social media, which he wrote the code for in a few days! What a genius he must be.
Instead dig into the underlying story of Leader Tech and Michael McKibben, whose company actually wrote and invented the software the internet now runs on. This was stolen from his company and passed out as "open source" by thieves in the upper echelons of Clinton administration..including Killary and Rose Law, and passed out worldwide with backdoors in it.
Leader Tech actually won a case against Wastebook and Suckerberg, but larger forces squashed this. Including Chief Justice Roberts, Knight of Malta, and others who all profited by holding stock in Wastebook.
Go on, do some homework and come back with a real story. This is a bomb waiting to explode the internet, and all who are using stolen intellectual property. A Miller suit has been filed, and Trump may even know of it, and we hope may use it to rein in the tech giant tyrants.
Thanks, Erik. I agree that Zuckerburg is not the high level controller. He is a puppet. I don't know what he knew or knows. I do know that the love of money is the root of all evil. You reap what you sow. IF he has any control, he needs to reinstate people taken off and stop ALL censorship. Until that happens no one will ever has trust. Your reputation follows you.
You made me think further, Erik. I was aware of the transition from Life Log to Face Book. CIA behind it all. It's a hot topic among podcasters! I agree that Zuckerburg, no matter what he really knew, was low hanging fruit. He was used by our nefarious gov't agency. IF he has any control, now is the time to reinstate people and stop ALL censorship. If it doesn't happen, I assume he has no control. He has a pitiful life. Money doesn't make your life satisfying.
If Zuckerberg did not create Facebook which is what is being told, then that is a lie that he reenforced. If he didn't create FB and took the basket the true creator offered, then that means he can be bought. Then Zuckerberg proceeds to lie continuously when saying he is not censoring. As far as I am concerned, only the truth will set him free. He needs to step up and admit he didn't create FB, that XXX did approach him with their sales offer and what that offer was. Admit the truth or don't but I will not believe anything from him until he does. This is the same stance I take on anyone, be it person or corporation. Come clean and we move on. I have respect for those that come clean because it shows, you most cases, courage and that they still have some morals even if a small amount.
The question I have is was he forced to go along. Was he threatened not to expose. If he came clean, the company would collapse.
I like your comparison of a corrupt bank. Could Zuckerberg have been blind to the corruption because of money?
What does God say?
1 Timothy 6:6-10 NKJV
Now godliness with contentment is great gain. [7] For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. [8] And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content. [9] But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. [10] For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Well, if Zuckerberg follows the divine and deeply moral principles of Trump, how can he possibly be wrong? Trump's Christian principles and his strict adherence to the words of Jesus Christ are clear for all to see. You can see by own Trump's actions, words and deeds---especially when it comes to his own modest and self-effacing attitudes towards accumulation and avarice---that Trump is the TRUE Son of God and should be treated accordingly at all times. God Bless!
Anyone who says they know for certain what is transpiring behind the scenes in the circles of power are kidding themselves. I would imagine that is quite a small group, relatively speaking. I appreciate your humbleness, honesty and self-reflection in admitting that you don’t.
Thank you Erik. Many times (OK all times😉) I need someone else to open my eyes to a different perspective. Grateful for this Substac
Great job, as always. Your pragmatism and ability to change perspective as you get new info is refreshing - which is also why I believe Trump is such a good leader. He's able to evolve his opinion and change/correct course as he gets new information.
I tend to agree with you and your great analysis. As a Christian (and a Berean) I want to see proof of true repentance. Honest actions that turn away from the evil and to walk in God's path of truth and righteousness to do good in His eyes, not theirs.
This shift of big tech support away from the Democrats and in some cases to Trump is a mystery to me. Just like the election itself.
There were millions fewer fraudulent votes and votes shifted away from Trump electronically in 2024 than in 2020 IMO. Why less cheating? Was it because the cheaters couldn’t as effectively or did not want to?
And why the lack of violence in the aftermath? There was way more violence after the 2016 win than after this one. I seriously expected the streets of many cities to burn. And my entering argument with recent street violence is that only 20% of it is organic meaning that 80% is bought and paid for by evil powerful people. Why are they holding back?
Are the powers that be discouraged? Are they afraid? Did the level of incompetence of their lackies like Harris reach such a point that even they could not tolerate it? Are they shifting strategies? Have they splintered internally? Did some of the leadership die or reach an age where they can no longer lead? …?
The winds seem to have shifted. Maybe spring is coming after a long dark winter and we should just be happy and thankful. (Which I think we should be in any event.) However I am nervous because all these things seem to be happening way to smoothly
Maybe a lot of the work has already been done behind the scenes the past four years.
Check this out if you have not already. Seems very plausible
If not by the directors of the CIA???
I think we are winning in the realm of the narrative. People are waking up. We worked hard in our county to watch the drop boxes 24/7 and know we kept some people from big drops late at night.
I hope you are right. And God bless you for the drop box surveillance. That might have been the key
I took a look at this interview and here’s what hit me in the first five minutes. First - it’s not even him. This is a completely different person, one who is capable of animated speech, eyes that are actually alive and expressive and hair that is not a black Lego style but brown and curly. So everything he was saying was also totally not Mark Zuckerberg. This was the most obviously fakest thing put out there to further confuse and distract. I reckon the real M Z was ‘processed’ some time ago. Just my two pence.
Not saying you’re wrong, but maybe being freed of your captors and mind control can literally change your appearance.
And maybe getting a little older and wiser after being roughed up for a while can give you some strength you previously lacked
I agree but I have seen too many of these replacements now to buy any of it. We are still in the movie despite Donald being back in office. I think it will continue for some time so as to ease our normies towards the truth gently by keeping a semblance of normality while most of the take-down has already been done.
The alphabet agencies are extremely powerful and can be forceful. Epstein brought to light how blackmail compromised some people in high positions. Erik makes some interesting insights. That’s why we follow him and other Badlanders.
What an amazing week this has been!🇺🇸🙏
This is one of your most astute posts, Erik.
There IS always more to the story of everything we see and are told. It’s likely planned this way in this ancient war to obsfucate the true intent and culpability behind each of the tools/people/companies developed to enslave us. It will be difficult to ascertain if there is a single person or entity culpable for the egregious crimes against us. Yet, justice must be served in a manner necessary to convince ‘we the people’ that we’ve not traded one set of masters for another.
We also must be able to change our perspective and opinions regarding these issues as new information is available. Otherwise we fall into the same trap that puppets of regimes espouse.
Now, this will not be as straightforward and clear as most of us have considered. Thank you for pointing out the complexity of the web evil people spin to control those they work through. I won’t sleep as easy, though!
I keep saying the evil one is insidious.
God bless you, Erik.🙏🙏
I believe you make some valid points. I too have to change my opinion from time to time as more covid vaccine data emerges. However, is Zuckerberg a Rockefeller grandson? Did it not recently become known Bezos grandfather was part of DARPA? I believe same applies to Bill Gates? Do you see the pattern? None of them are brilliant just connected via family. Sounds to me DARPA workers find a way to enrich their family and heirs and we are talking filthy rich.
What’s the saying, you can’t choose your family. 😂 It will be nice when all is revealed to us.
Love your probing, weighing,multifaceted approach to analyzing the situation. As always, we must wait and see.
If you want to move past surface appearances, then forget about the actor Zuckerberg, a fake front man put up by Hollywood bio as the inventor of social media, which he wrote the code for in a few days! What a genius he must be.
Instead dig into the underlying story of Leader Tech and Michael McKibben, whose company actually wrote and invented the software the internet now runs on. This was stolen from his company and passed out as "open source" by thieves in the upper echelons of Clinton administration..including Killary and Rose Law, and passed out worldwide with backdoors in it.
Leader Tech actually won a case against Wastebook and Suckerberg, but larger forces squashed this. Including Chief Justice Roberts, Knight of Malta, and others who all profited by holding stock in Wastebook.
Go on, do some homework and come back with a real story. This is a bomb waiting to explode the internet, and all who are using stolen intellectual property. A Miller suit has been filed, and Trump may even know of it, and we hope may use it to rein in the tech giant tyrants.
I seem to recall the patent lawyer he used also worked with the CIA and totally screwed him over.
If I could, I would upvote your comment a thousand times!
Awesome article Erik. From this perspective Zuckerberg doesn’t look as evil as the perspective I saw him from previously. Thanks for the eye opening.
VERY well & thoughtfully written , Erik . . . ...... blessings
Thanks, Erik. I agree that Zuckerburg is not the high level controller. He is a puppet. I don't know what he knew or knows. I do know that the love of money is the root of all evil. You reap what you sow. IF he has any control, he needs to reinstate people taken off and stop ALL censorship. Until that happens no one will ever has trust. Your reputation follows you.
You made me think further, Erik. I was aware of the transition from Life Log to Face Book. CIA behind it all. It's a hot topic among podcasters! I agree that Zuckerburg, no matter what he really knew, was low hanging fruit. He was used by our nefarious gov't agency. IF he has any control, now is the time to reinstate people and stop ALL censorship. If it doesn't happen, I assume he has no control. He has a pitiful life. Money doesn't make your life satisfying.