20 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Oh, my. So sad. Praise God that I lost interest in Hollywood and entertainers long ago. Born after WWII, I grew up in a different world and didn't like the changes. No wonder, as you have shown the changes in the people most known in entertainment. I haven't seen anything about Bob Hope or his ilk. I recognize the names you mention, but can't put a name to a face. I lost interest in The Oscars, Grammy's etc. I see now the satanic influence. I lost interest in the Olympics long ago, too. No wonder. It wasn't me, it was the promoters who changed the direction of the sports field. Likely even when I watched. Thank you for clearly pointing out what is going on in today's world. I feel sorry for the young people today. I loved going to church and youth group, playing games, learning how to do crossword puzzles with my grandmother before she passed. Traveling and making friends around the world. No idea of the evil all around. Sure have open eyes now. God bless you, Erik.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Bob Hope was heavily involved in the sex trafficking of very young girls: https://archive.org/details/brice-taylor-thanks-for-the-memories-with-pictures-large-font/page/n59/mode/2up

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I’ve heard that as well.

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Oh, how sad. and deceived we all were. Thanks for telling me the truth. I've learned a lot of truth since Nov 2020. What about Jack Benny and Red Skelton?? Ed Sullivan. Lawrence Welk? Was TV corrupt from the start?

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15 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Hollywood was corrupt from the start.

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Sad but not shocked at all after all I've learned since Nov 2020. Time to stop it.

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I also completely awoke in Nov 2020 🇺🇸😕

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Thank heavens we woke up then and had time to listen, find some answers, and see there is a plan. God be with those who have planned and continue to open eyes. I realize there are many people no longer with us, people wearing masks, or similar looking. I can't be fooled on that part of this drama playing out. My mom told me when I married in 1977 that if I had no children, she would not be disappointed, the world wasn't the same anymore. She was born 1918. She sensed something, but had no idea how bad it was. I've been working as hard as I am able to knock on doors and be a good committee person locally. I find many people who see the things we do. But aren't into the substack info. They will not be shocked, either. In the middle of reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island," it's worse than I thought from reading so far. But again, it fits the pattern we have now learned.

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That's a great book to give someone you may want to introduce to the fact that we have been so deceived for so long.

Thank you for all your comments. The Bob Hope one got to me too...

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All those Christmas shows he did on tour to military bases. Wonder what was going on. At the moment I don't have time to read the full contents of the suggested article/book about Bob Hope. But I will when time allows. I appreciate that someone put the link above.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

This is a very timely post! Is it Christian like to allow loathing into our lives? I say YES! we loathe the sin and not the sinner! It is very difficult to profess love for someone who is doing depraved acts, and flaunting it, but love we must. Pray for their souls to be brought in to the light.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

I think we are told to hate what is evil??

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I’m sorry but I hate hate hate these people and I know I shouldn’t but I would be lying to say otherwise.

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I'm with ya. We are not as good as Jesus. We strive to be but this is one big flaw I can not overcome. Hating evil.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

I find it truly bizarre that so many celebrity children are gay or transgender or non-binary. When people see the high rate of celebrity's children identifying as one of these things, I feel like the American public sees this as 'beautiful' rather than evil, sad and statistically improbable. I pray for these children that had no choice in being born to depraved parents seeking fame and fortune through these Satan practices. Thanks for your article.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

The evil one has been given free rein apparently. It does seem that some of the stars are walking back their stance, even as the satanic themes ramp up. This is truly sick stuff, but the required sacrifices are ‘reasonable’ when looks at the big picture now and compares it with human history.

A couple of years ago I saw a picture of Bill and Hillary with a 4-5 year old daughter, NOT Chelsea. I’ve never seen the photo again and haven’t been able to find it. My very first thought was that this beautiful child was the required sacrifice. I haven’t changed my mind.

Erik, what is ‘good’ is that we’re daily getting closer to the cabal’s evil core.

God bless you!🙏

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19 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

I sure hope you're right about Brad! He is so talented and I've always been a fan. He's also my birthday buddy. He is exactly one year older. :) And we're also Missourians! There is a kindness, gentleness in him. Prayers!

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Sex trafficking is very real here in Alohaland. But so is the silencing of those who speak up about it. The so-called ‘authorities’ here have a code and they rarely betray their own. I see, hear, and experience it all the time. I just lay low and go surfing.

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You can pray while you surf on God's beautiful ocean! I pray while walking on our land way over in Oklahoma.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Ephesians 5:11

11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Hollywood is one giant cesspool of satanic luciferians. Most “stars” are victims of MK Ultra, especially those A-Listers. Many others are actually inverted themselves. Blood sacrifice or trans sacrifice is required to climb to the top. Brad has recently been put through extreme humiliation rituals. It began with the altercation with Angela on the plane and has continued ever since. His most recent spread in GQ was dripping in Masonic symbolism and some sort of programming. It was extremely dark and uncomfortable to view for those who are awake to their games.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

You probably know this Erik but I remember years ago when Dave Chappell so say went " crazy" and moved to Africa for a while I later heard him say it was about this - they wanted him to wear a dress on his show and he recognized that as a humiliation ritual and refused. And he talked about Kevin Hart agreeing and how Kevin told him he thought small price to pay for the money. But chappell said he didn't see it that way.

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He refused to submit.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

That's exactly what he said. He said it was excruciating to go through. They basically ran him out of the country. I bet he's glad now though.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Harry Styles is also another who broke out as a ‘talent’ and was featured in dresses and pearls. I remember thinking he looked ridiculous (just like when I see any man in a dress/skirt), but he was praised for his fantastic and cutting edge sense of style. Weird.

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I recall that too. To me, it is a symbol of their utter weakness in not standing up to it and refusing to do it. They are not enlightened. They are weak.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Maranatha! Let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done. Maranatha!

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You are right. We are all in a War, that is unlike any other War we have fought before. It affects everyone. ✝️. Of course God wins in the end, so we can't lose track of what is really important, that is everything Jesus taught us. I am praying and looking forward to the end of all evil, and I think that will happen soon. 🙏

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19 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

I pray the same as your last comments. However, Pitt wore a skirt in 2022. He’s not going back to God; he’s still trying to appease that little POS satan. I pray all who are lost.

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I agree the 2022 humiliation ritual seems like a backtrack to get back into the graces of the Cabal to start getting big roles again.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

I honestly can’t imagine why people want the world over their souls. The most loser deal EVER was 30 pieces of silver (Judas) over eternity in Heaven. The calm, peace, solace, tranquility, ABSOLUTE LOVE that Christ gives me is absolutely priceless. A life with Christ is the best thing on earth. Have no clue what these satan worshippers are thinking.

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Far too many have sold their souls for fame and fortune. I believe we are all challenged almost daily until we find the peace and courage in God's protection. It's the main reason I constantly state to "Walk your day in Love." God is Love. It's a high frequency vibration. Most of those who sold their souls fell to the fight or flight fear based programming of the Tell-Lie-Vision. A programming machine designed to keep the population in a low level state of fear. Then any major announcement or headline can trigger an adrenaline reaction.

You see, the high vibrational frequency of Love, keeps fear from penetrating the shielding. The bible says 365 times not to fear. To keep out of fear, you find that high vibrational frequency of Love. Then focus on maintaining that peaceful calm state through out your day. Hint.. Turn OFF the Tell-Lie-Vision. It helps. It keeps the sound triggers from getting to you. But watch your mind for the next fear based thought. Our society is addicted to adrenaline due to fear based programming... Watch for the triggers that pull you out of love and down into stress, frustration and anger. Those are YOUR triggers... No it's not your significant other and their remarks, its your trigger own it and process it to regain an remain in that love space... Just my humble opinion... We all have them... Peace....

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16 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

When I was much younger, I read People magazine and was mesmerized by the glamour and lifestyle. Now, I find Hollyweird to be depraved, disgusting pedophiles many of whom have sold their souls. Whatever they say is "good", I know is the exact opposite. Same thing for the MSM fake news.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Raise in Love of God ,

His Son and the word. We are to love as He loves us. Not judge lest ye be judged . The greatest gift He gave us was His Son that died for us as sinners, so that we may be saved by His Grace. Those that choose to live in evil of satan’s hands will parish in that unless they themselves ask Gods forgiveness of their wicked ways & truly turn their eyes ,hearts & souls from it, seeking only God the Father and Holy Spirit. It is our sole responsibility to pray unending for them to seek God and put no other before Him. As I was taught through the word of God & Son and have struggled & fallen as most believers have in times His words of promise is the only way to seek salvation. It’s not our place to forgive others that belongs to Him. He direct’s us to pray as His children, all of His children even those we may disagree with their life styles or the wickedness they stray to. It’s through Him we all shall be delivered, only Him.

I struggled many a day & night for the transitions of my children before He opened my heart to His anointing words that said Pray without cease for they shall be restored in His time. So what ever their struggle,it’s theirs and as a parent He gave me peace and strength to pray not only for mine but for all. DSA

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Amen & Thank You

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18 hrs agoLiked by Erik Carlson

Sorry didn’t finish due to loving husband needing helping hand . Eric enjoyed this writing for it is directed. And to many people’s lives around the world that are effected by the blatant disregard of others beliefs and or health and well being its most sacrilegiousness efforts has grown in an unprecedented over the yrs but as I said in previous post it is our responsibility in my belief to pray for them unending . So thankful to have you & others to shines lights through Christ to guide us and to help those to know we will always be praying for them to seek Him. Your friend in Christ.

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