Thanks, again, Erik. I awakened to Wed Nov 4, 2020 I think it was, in shock and despair. Thought we had a communist take over and life not worth living being single, not much family around. I knew Biden was not real, he was "inaugurated" before noon. Something was wrong! He didn't catch his balance correctly going up that small plane. Fa…
Thanks, again, Erik. I awakened to Wed Nov 4, 2020 I think it was, in shock and despair. Thought we had a communist take over and life not worth living being single, not much family around. I knew Biden was not real, he was "inaugurated" before noon. Something was wrong! He didn't catch his balance correctly going up that small plane. Fake something. Thank God for some friends I found who understood Q and telegram channels to follow. I was a sponge soaking up what was going on. Took time to understand DJT was not going to undo the election, but was working likely as 19 with his silent cabinet all the time. Ready to spring into action in 2025. It's breakneck speed alright. We have to get involved in local affairs, tough to do to wake up the D's and sleeping Rino's. Praying we can do it with them seeing the national scene change. Still too many people asleep. Praying they wake up. Glad you were on target. I believe, also, that DJT had plans for a sting for a long time. Someone mentioned Nixon told him how things worked. Am sure there were others. He has given a major part of his life with good business acumen, to doing things well. He is giving us our country back if we can get active and fight for it! He is the greatest actor. He wanted to produce, he certainly is. God keep him healthy and safe to complete this sting. Let's see what happens if the Corporation goes out of business publicly. London bankers and others control all central banks. My Bangladesh friend sees it in his country of birth, but didn't understand the US was involved in color revolutions all over the globe for years. I get it now. God bless our faithful military. God bless the memory of JFK! and Abraham Lincoln. And Andrew Jackson.
Thanks, again, Erik. I awakened to Wed Nov 4, 2020 I think it was, in shock and despair. Thought we had a communist take over and life not worth living being single, not much family around. I knew Biden was not real, he was "inaugurated" before noon. Something was wrong! He didn't catch his balance correctly going up that small plane. Fake something. Thank God for some friends I found who understood Q and telegram channels to follow. I was a sponge soaking up what was going on. Took time to understand DJT was not going to undo the election, but was working likely as 19 with his silent cabinet all the time. Ready to spring into action in 2025. It's breakneck speed alright. We have to get involved in local affairs, tough to do to wake up the D's and sleeping Rino's. Praying we can do it with them seeing the national scene change. Still too many people asleep. Praying they wake up. Glad you were on target. I believe, also, that DJT had plans for a sting for a long time. Someone mentioned Nixon told him how things worked. Am sure there were others. He has given a major part of his life with good business acumen, to doing things well. He is giving us our country back if we can get active and fight for it! He is the greatest actor. He wanted to produce, he certainly is. God keep him healthy and safe to complete this sting. Let's see what happens if the Corporation goes out of business publicly. London bankers and others control all central banks. My Bangladesh friend sees it in his country of birth, but didn't understand the US was involved in color revolutions all over the globe for years. I get it now. God bless our faithful military. God bless the memory of JFK! and Abraham Lincoln. And Andrew Jackson.