Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Fascinating, but it does bum me out to think that so much of the music that serves as the backdrop to my life was made by these monsters to aid in my enslavement. 🤬

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That’s before it degenerated into noise or exaggerated beats that created anger.

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Holy Cow!!! Another rabbit hole to jump into!!!!

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We aren’t enslaved totally yet. Best get angry and let your selected reps know. Find out about them look at their voting record. Hillsdale most likely has a page with their voting record and their rating. It’s good to know these things and to screen shot the rating and send it to them

along with a WTF?!?!?!

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It bums me out a lot, scares the hell out of me & makes me feel like a sucker.

I’m sure we will all be fooled again before this is over. It will happen when we least expect it,

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Been thinking (seething at times) since their drummer was bullied and killed with shot administration, strong-arm Dave purportedly made it happen. Didn't know he came from DC--that was new. What an ass. So glad Trump has the license and gave us this opportunity to shine the light on a few grungy roaches. Pearl Jam has always been cheesy.

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Eric this was a very interesting article.

I have heard many of these things in pieces, but you tied them up into l a very nice bow and delivered them as a hard hitting package of thought.

I always felt something was off about Grohl, but could never put my finger on it. In addition to that I saw how this 🤡 treated the unvaccinated at this concert he had over the weekend on a video where people were protesting his Nazi -like event.

Given the fact that he held his concert for the vaccinated only I'm not surprised about anything you've pointed out here.

Thank you for sharing another powerful piece.

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Holey Moley.....right on Erik for connecting the dots of which I had bits and now have context.

THIS all makes horrible sense. Funnily enough I have never 'loved' the Stones and thought the Beatles were naive at the very least. But then WE were all young, naive, idealistic, stoned, misguided, uneducated and a bunch of other 'stuff' in the 60's and 70's. THANKFULLY all is being revealed. Many thanks to you and fellow 'substackers'. Keep on Keeping on.

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Erik, an absolutely astounding post, I've known bits and pieces but you just put the jigsaw puzzle together for all to see clearly. I love your style in doing that. Almost like you are writing it directly for me... I was well aware of Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington working to put a Child Sex Trafficking video out before they were both suicided. I wasn't aware of Grohl being from the swamp of DC. But it all makes a lot more sense now that your article puts the pieces together as suscinctly as you did. Greatly appreciate your work sir... Keep doing what you do... Peace...

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes it’s good that RFJ, Jr has joined forces with Trump as that will now put the cat amongst the pigeons. They will have to be careful & will make for interesting developments.

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

...really, anyone with a Sirius channel is majorly suspect. Rage Against the Machine.

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This is so interesting. I was in high school when the Beatles came on the scene and although we all liked the new sound there was something annoying and unnatural about the way they pushed all the other music out of the way. A real take over. I’ve been thinking maybe it was payola but what you’re talking about is more nefarious and makes more sense. As for the Stones I liked them but again they shoved them down your throat. I saw them in person once right after the Altamont concert where someone was killed. The security was so intense it was frightening and made the whole concert scary. But now they actually give me the creeps when I look at them. Jagger looks demonic to me. And M16 helped create the Steele dossier. All the puzzle pieces are fitting together.

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

I enjoy reading your well thought out articles. Always informative.

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Grohl always seemed so opportunistic and disingenuous. DC huh? Makes sense. Good one Erik

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes, and those who condemn this left/kind-of- right alliance will seal their fate by identifying with the America-haters. So many of these have directly or indirectly committed crimes against humanity or treason and will have a ‘sign on themselves’ telling us to indict them.

God bless you, Erik.🙏🙏

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Keep 'em coming Eric.

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All that said and found likely by yours, I was hooked on Rock’n’Roll from age 9 when The Beatles landed in New York and quickly morphed into a Stones fan when The Beatles broke up. Also worked in record stores for several years, and was privileged to see many of the greats out here on the left coast. As rock faded away I turned to the Country-Western my father introduced me to, Johnny Cash in particular. It’s C&W stations that have preserved R&R to some extent. Most likely C&W discovered they could capture the attention of old Rockers like me by playing The Stones C&W type songs along with a smattering of The Eagles, The Dead, and similar bands. All this to say that C&W has a multitude of patriotic singers and bands who are a pleasure to listen to if you have a mind to.

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Also, just listen and feel the recording quality of Nevermind--there is SERIOUS production going on there. Big money and effort behind that, not some small-studio, garage-grunge album.

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Holy crap this is epic!! And makes sense. I agree on Rap music...I'm a rock n roll girl myself. Nothing surprises me anymore. Seems like Trump sends numerous messages for those who pay attention. Ty Erik!

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Aug 26Liked by Erik Carlson

Programmed to Kill is darker but equally mind blowing. What didn’t the CIA manipulate in the American culture since the 1940’s?

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I agree. I have that book as well. It goes nicely with CHAOS by Tom O’Neil. Charlie and

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My husband read that 'great book' back in the day by McGowan! Very unfortunately sooooo many of my generation were captured. Hindsight is a great and never too late a teacher......

how naive many of us were.

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