I agree we should be able to handle the truth but many still can’t. I had a client call me this week in sheer panic because he believed Trump killed Medicaid. He couldn’t be reasoned with. You could hear his wife in the background who was just as worked up. Many people still don’t live in reality. It’s unhealthy both physically and mentally.
I agree we should be able to handle the truth but many still can’t. I had a client call me this week in sheer panic because he believed Trump killed Medicaid. He couldn’t be reasoned with. You could hear his wife in the background who was just as worked up. Many people still don’t live in reality. It’s unhealthy both physically and mentally.
I am under the clear understanding that God does not hide the truth from those who diligently seek it. However, the real truth has been hidden by evil people with their written substitutions claiming to be the one and only truth from God himself. The people who know the ongoing living truth that is of God are not concerned with people’s feelings or their ability to handle the truth. They know they will be spiritually liberated by knowing or they will succumb to fear. On our planet, in our day and time, we need spiritually liberated men and women. Fearful people, unfortunately, are of no value in this physical (non-spiritual) fight against evil people. Jesus, when he was here, removed the evil spiritual beings to level the playing field.
The more of We The People who spend time daily in prayer or meditation to "Become Familiar With" their Contact with their I AM, their Divine Guidance, The Universe, God, or what ever you want to call the divine guidance. The higher level of vibrational frequency becomes the normal plane of existence. The more we contact God, or I AM, the more comfortable we become with LOVE.. The more we maintain a high level of LOVE the less fear based programming effects us. We see the fake fear for what it is. We are told 365 times not to fear in the Bible... Fear is evils tool. The more we face our fears and move into Love the more communication we get with God or I AM. The more confident we become... Some want to mistake the confidence with arrogance, the rule is to determine which of the two emotions is at the seat of the action, Love or Fear... Walk your day in Love or above.. Then watch for the triggers that pull you down into stress, frustration or anger which are all fear based... Peace...
I agree we should be able to handle the truth but many still can’t. I had a client call me this week in sheer panic because he believed Trump killed Medicaid. He couldn’t be reasoned with. You could hear his wife in the background who was just as worked up. Many people still don’t live in reality. It’s unhealthy both physically and mentally.
I am under the clear understanding that God does not hide the truth from those who diligently seek it. However, the real truth has been hidden by evil people with their written substitutions claiming to be the one and only truth from God himself. The people who know the ongoing living truth that is of God are not concerned with people’s feelings or their ability to handle the truth. They know they will be spiritually liberated by knowing or they will succumb to fear. On our planet, in our day and time, we need spiritually liberated men and women. Fearful people, unfortunately, are of no value in this physical (non-spiritual) fight against evil people. Jesus, when he was here, removed the evil spiritual beings to level the playing field.
The more of We The People who spend time daily in prayer or meditation to "Become Familiar With" their Contact with their I AM, their Divine Guidance, The Universe, God, or what ever you want to call the divine guidance. The higher level of vibrational frequency becomes the normal plane of existence. The more we contact God, or I AM, the more comfortable we become with LOVE.. The more we maintain a high level of LOVE the less fear based programming effects us. We see the fake fear for what it is. We are told 365 times not to fear in the Bible... Fear is evils tool. The more we face our fears and move into Love the more communication we get with God or I AM. The more confident we become... Some want to mistake the confidence with arrogance, the rule is to determine which of the two emotions is at the seat of the action, Love or Fear... Walk your day in Love or above.. Then watch for the triggers that pull you down into stress, frustration or anger which are all fear based... Peace...