Jan 31Edited

Trump is dismantling the NWO right before the globalists eyes.

Of course this isn't an accident and neither was the LA wildfires.

The fact that Trump activated the military to use at the borders also means the military can be used on other missions, especially covert missions.

I fully expect this cold war to go hot once Trump has his people in place to take on the Intelligence agencies.

I'm sorry to say this but I get a feeling one or more of Trump's family might very well endup as a casualties.

The Deep State are NOT going quietly into the night.

Here in Canada their puppet Trudeau is going to burn down the Canadian economy on his way out the door.

You can sense the contempt and hatred they have for ordinary people daring to stand up and refusing to do as they're told.

Trump's speech at the WEF basically declared war on them and they know this isn't a fight he's going to back off from.

His message was clear when he had Nessun Dorma sung at the 2nd Butler rally.


No quarter will be asked and none will be given,

"certare usque ad mortem"

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Had all these suspicious myself. You confirmed them.

Who else thinks Trump should reinstate all air traffic controllers who were fired because they wouldn't take the jab? And fire all DEI hires?

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Love the 72-hour rule…..

A sanity check in crazy times!!

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Like you, I don't know. Very suspicious is all I can think for sure.

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I love the fact that you are willing to say out loud what everyone else is thinking Erik. I’m so happy to realize that I’m not going crazy. Stay safe and remember, a healthy amount of paranoia could save your life. 👍🇺🇸

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Trump’s words on the subject suggest it was definitely no accident. What if it was done by the good military to take down some nefarious objective they knew about and that everything posited so far is a bunch of lies and distraction. Trump: we caught them all. Just my musings.

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Good military would not kill kids

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I agree. Either the evildoers still have power to kill innocents like this, or an elaborate false ‘false flag’ was conducted…but to what end? Far more likely to be the desperate acts of a cornered, wicked beast. Is that all they have left or are things just starting to heat up?

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We’re in a war for control over planet Earth. Unfortunately, in WW II many children were killed by our military. Collateral damage.

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Nothing is as it seems. We may never know what actually happened. So many events have been staged, narratives invented. We are still watching a movie.

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Hmmm, where else have I seen aircraft used as a missile on civilians?

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Really, wouldn’t be the first time.

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No question that this was not an accident.

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Thanks for the insight, Eric

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A sobering perspective - who knows just how nefarious the Deep State can be? But one thing we can be sure of - they have the ability to reach out and touch.

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Erik, you mentioned that Trump’s reaction to the mid-air collision leads you to believe he knows it wasn’t really an accident. He can’t come out and say it, because it would send panic and fear into the hearts of every American. No one is safe. I disagree the American people need to know in detail what happened, regardless of fear and panic. They need to know the dirty facts about the evil people they’re facing. The Luciferian worshippers have been in the shadows long enough. It is time they are publicly exposed and eradicated. Regardless of the murderous Luciferians, God does not promise anyone a tomorrow, in life no one is ever safe.

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I agree we should be able to handle the truth but many still can’t. I had a client call me this week in sheer panic because he believed Trump killed Medicaid. He couldn’t be reasoned with. You could hear his wife in the background who was just as worked up. Many people still don’t live in reality. It’s unhealthy both physically and mentally.

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I am under the clear understanding that God does not hide the truth from those who diligently seek it. However, the real truth has been hidden by evil people with their written substitutions claiming to be the one and only truth from God himself. The people who know the ongoing living truth that is of God are not concerned with people’s feelings or their ability to handle the truth. They know they will be spiritually liberated by knowing or they will succumb to fear. On our planet, in our day and time, we need spiritually liberated men and women. Fearful people, unfortunately, are of no value in this physical (non-spiritual) fight against evil people. Jesus, when he was here, removed the evil spiritual beings to level the playing field.

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The more of We The People who spend time daily in prayer or meditation to "Become Familiar With" their Contact with their I AM, their Divine Guidance, The Universe, God, or what ever you want to call the divine guidance. The higher level of vibrational frequency becomes the normal plane of existence. The more we contact God, or I AM, the more comfortable we become with LOVE.. The more we maintain a high level of LOVE the less fear based programming effects us. We see the fake fear for what it is. We are told 365 times not to fear in the Bible... Fear is evils tool. The more we face our fears and move into Love the more communication we get with God or I AM. The more confident we become... Some want to mistake the confidence with arrogance, the rule is to determine which of the two emotions is at the seat of the action, Love or Fear... Walk your day in Love or above.. Then watch for the triggers that pull you down into stress, frustration or anger which are all fear based... Peace...

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Agree, thank you. :)

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EYE OPENING , and then some - - extortion DOES work (to a point) & then u just say , 'Damn the torpedoes' & move on (war vets experience this, police, fire, whistle-blowers, etc) .. . .am surmising OUR WH's r going all-the-way. . . . . . .side note , Field McConnell stated , (each morning the on-duty USMC guard assigned to open up the Oval Office at 5:30 a.m. whispers to this day, an Oath / Prayer to GOD that he (usmc guard) will carry forth & further the mission of bringing to justice those responsible for the murder of their boss , John Fitzgerald Kennedy . . . . . .am believing Melania & ALL associated w Trump are on-board w the mission . ........................blessings to all

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On at least one other substack, i saw that it was Elbit software on the three crashes this week! (It was on Divided & Conquered). I looked them up and there is an office right near me! Also in case readers have not found this out, a man who was on duty in the military the night of the TWA800 crash---he waited until his commander that night died, and he was retired of course----and he came forward on youtube! He met with the families of the students from PA who were all killed. It was the US military making a mistake. It was not the fuel tank exploding. Our country lies to us all the time.

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Thank you! I remember that day and the immediate reports of a missile….from conspiracy theorists of course! Geez now you exposed me to another source of great information. Even the title says it! American Thinker. My 67 year old head is getting full and tired of thinking so much!!!! 🙃☺️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Yes I have all of Jack Cashill's books, he is really good. As soon as I heard the TWA800 crash witnesses I knew they were covering it up.

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Can you send link to TWA800 whistleblower reveal?

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Yes, I am checking my bookmarks. Also the author Jack Cashill talked to this guy.

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So q predicted this 8 years ago?

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I think they were responding to all the aircraft crashes happening in 2017.

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I agree the deep state may have been sending President Trump a message. But I think they were trying to hurt him by killing the kids.

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Or was it just another child sacrifice conducted by the deep state satanic order... They will just kill a bunch of child athletes as their sacrifice to their God Molok... The level of evil is being exposed for what it really is.. It's been deeply hidden for so long, the time is now to expose the truth.... Know the truth and the truth will set you free.... Once you heal from the trauma of exposure... Peace...

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The so-called deep state is just a modernized cover for the two-hundred thousand years old Luciferian worldwide criminal organization. It is controlled entirely by evil humans. The evil spirits that were first involved in it have since been removed from our planet. Jesus leveled the playing field, so to speak. It is now entirely up to the Good humans to eradicate the Luciferians.

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Erik, another good post... Like the school shootings and MKUltra mind control programming, the military is deeply involved with the mind control programming and very easily could program a trainee to conduct their suicide mission... Besides the 72 hour rule, believe NOTHING until you prove it either way to yourself.. Also be willing to admit your assessment was wrong... The lies we have been subject to are so vast and have been going on so long nothing is as we were taught as kids. I'm at the point of breaking down the opposite of everything to try to expose the lies that have created the generational lies we have been exposed to an have created traditions out of... The level of deceit are so vast and have been covered up for so long, the opposite of everything appears to hold more truth than what we have been taught... Keep up your good work total agreement with your assessments... Peace...

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