Erik I loved this article. Sometimes all articles get too complicated for me especially when it involves the Middle East and politics. Which is all anyone talks about anymore ! But this one was very easy to understand and especially if what you have said is true about what our Prez is doing. Sometimes don’t we all wonder what the man is …
Erik I loved this article. Sometimes all articles get too complicated for me especially when it involves the Middle East and politics. Which is all anyone talks about anymore ! But this one was very easy to understand and especially if what you have said is true about what our Prez is doing. Sometimes don’t we all wonder what the man is thinking ! It all makes wonderful sense how Trump is setting up America for a fantastic future.
Without leverage, one is usually forced to make a less than ideal deal. It’s like trying to finance a house when you have no job and a ton of debt. The bank will charge you more if they choose to give you a mortgage.
I agree with your comments. Erik writes brilliant articles that are elegant and understandable. Some who write in a convoluted and complicated manner are not always the most intelligent imo. Maybe they want to impress rather than inform.
Erik I loved this article. Sometimes all articles get too complicated for me especially when it involves the Middle East and politics. Which is all anyone talks about anymore ! But this one was very easy to understand and especially if what you have said is true about what our Prez is doing. Sometimes don’t we all wonder what the man is thinking ! It all makes wonderful sense how Trump is setting up America for a fantastic future.
Without leverage, one is usually forced to make a less than ideal deal. It’s like trying to finance a house when you have no job and a ton of debt. The bank will charge you more if they choose to give you a mortgage.
I agree with your comments. Erik writes brilliant articles that are elegant and understandable. Some who write in a convoluted and complicated manner are not always the most intelligent imo. Maybe they want to impress rather than inform.