Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

AMEN, Erik! Absolutely perfect timing to remind us of the example God set for us with His Son. I agree it’s our purpose to help those who will awaken quickly as the speed they will experience is much more damaging than what we’ve gradually learned over time.

God bless you.🙏

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God bless you.

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

I agree with all of this.

There is an additional dimension which has repeatedly struck me since 2016.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I have sometimes felt such powerlessness when I confront the full enormity of what we are being faced with.

Then I behold giants like the legitimate President who are withstanding horrifying attacks and degradation at the hands of the satanic forces arrayed against humanity. He is now finally being helped by other Soldiers of Light.

I then understand that we are literally being protected by Jesus Christ my God. He has sent powerful angels and other instruments to shield His children. Simultaneously we are being forced to confront what is being done and the way is being shown to us.

As we mourn what has been taken away from us as a people, we must also resolve to do our part in whatever way we can, small or large.

You Erik and so many others are a true inspiration to me. Please remember this whenever you feel downhearted or discouraged.

I continue to be extremely optimistic about the future, despite my calculation that even now things are going to get much worse, as Satan flings everything at humanity before God’s light will again shine on this world.

Thank you.

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I have felt that powerlessness too but God grabs me everytime in various ways. But I can relate to that feeling.

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“Oh, my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy. “ When I say this during reciting the rosary, it reminds me to have compassion for the lost. It is discernment to be able to separate the sons and daughters of Satan, those to move away from, and those to comfort, to teach. There is a growing part of our culture to accept immorality in order not to offend anyone. This is not being like Jesus. Great post!

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Excellent post. God knows I had my time having distanced myself from God, but I'm grateful for Jesus and his Grace. I'm doing my best now to be a warrior for him.

Thank you for sharing this awesome message Erik.

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No more lies.

John 8:31-32 NKJV

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. [32] And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

So beautifully and plainly written. I love everything you put down pen to paper. Grateful for you ...blessings Jon

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Simple truth! Amen

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Well said!

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Powerful Truth

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God Bless You

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God bless you as well.

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Misled, past tense of "mislead".

Wow to all the ministers that accept gay lifestyles as acceptable as they lead their congregations astray !

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Do you mean "woe" to them?

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you Eric. I have yet to read of your substacks that didn’t result in a blessing. Today’s came in the form of remembering a group of new believers that were commended for studying the scriptures daily to find if what they were being taught was true. there are many treasures in the Bible that are hidden by God so that king might glory in finding them out. When you find one, it’s like a jewel of great price that will set a top of crown bringing a brilliant light to the wearer. Don’t just read your Bible, study it daily.

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks, Eric.

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Great post Erik, as always... There is a huge education process to get We The People to comprehend and follow God's laws and not Man's Codes and statutes which are color of law and not law. Generations have been indoctrinated and indoctrinate their children of man's laws ignoring God's laws. Love your work, keep doing what you do... Peace...

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

And all of it is TRUE. If you hear the truth it’s easy and pleasant to the hearing and to the heart. So are your words. Thank you, Eric. I caught the glimpse of your beautiful heart ❤️

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Jul 24Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik, it seems you slightly misspoke. Jesus IS alive today🥰. Faith and Reason show it.

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